Committee on Ministry Team
Rev. Nancy Brooks
Rev. Paula Comper
Rev. Brian Damrow
Rev. Tim Darmour-Paul
Myron Hanna
Virginia Ilch
David Newfarmer
Rev. Brett Palmer
Rev. Kevin Strope, Co-chair
Sandy Wagner
Mark Waltermire
Mark Walz, Co-chair
Rev. Shana Johnson, ex officio
Term = 3 years, with 2 terms as maximum.
Primary responsibilities:
All matters relating to the preparation for, and authorization of, Licensed, Ordained and Commissioned ministers, and persons ordained in another denomination seeking to enter ministry in the United Church of Christ by way of Privilege of Call or Dual Standing.
All matters relating to the standing and oversight of Commissioned, Licensed and Ordained ministers, including development, nurture, maintenance and oversight of the covenantal relationship between authorized ministers of the Illinois South Conference and the United Church of Christ.
Standing and welfare of the congregations of the Illinois South Conference as a covenantal relationship between local congregations and the United Church of Christ.
Examples of the ministry include: Search & Call; discernment education, church renewal & maintenance; conflict mediation.
Qualities for members:
Discernment and listening
Knowledge of UCC polity (or willingness to learn) and ability to deal with large amounts of information and documentation
Commitment to, and awareness of, the covenantal nature of the UCC