The Centro Integral de la Familia (Center for Integrated Family Services- CIF) has as its principal goal mental health and emotional services from a systemic or relational point of view, to families and the individuals and couples which form them.
We do this through four main efforts: 1) Master´s level formation of professionals that work with families; training of any interested person working at a community level with families: and workshops requested by individuals, groups and institutions on topics related to family relationships; 2) Therapy for individuals, couples and families who request it or for whom it is mandated by legal entities; and 3) development projects with institutions such as schools and churches to help develop a culture of peace, non violence, and justice in the entire institution. 4) Production of literature materials, information, bibliography, on topics related to the family for use by any interested person in our library.
An important strategy for CIF is collaboration with existing institutions to promote joint action , avoid duplication of services, and optimize the resources available in the community. Another is to start from the felt needs of the person, couple, family, group or institution which requests our help, and to help them identify the resources already available.
The Master´s program we offer is as a part of the graduate arm of the Universidad Cristiana Latinoamericana in Quito, and other programs are certified by this institution. We have travelled to five Latin American countries to give workshops on violence prevention to pastors and Church leaders, under the auspices of the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI). We are working closely with a Catholic Center (La Dolorosa) for youth at risk which offers educational opportunities in trades to youth who are school drop outs and have no jobs. We offer physical and emotional health interventions to the youth and their families. The justice department (Fiscalía) is also referring difficult cases of child abuse to us for evaluation and treatment by our experienced therapists.