Advent/St. Nicholas Church
The Advent/St. Nicholas Church in Quito, Ecuador (an English-speaking Anglican/Lutheran congregation) has been at the heart of the Illinois South Conference Ecuador Partnership since the very first exploratory trip in l999. In fact, the members of Advent/St. Nicholas introduced ISC to many potential partners and facilitated the communication that lead to the “Covenant of Mutual Ministry.” The Church serves as our church away from home. Delegations and mission teams have worshipped regularly with this very special group of Christian people.
Members of the Congregation keep us abreast of happenings and conditions in Ecuador. The Pastor and members of the congregation act as the conduit for project funds going to several of our partners. This process works so well that funds, both from within ISC and from churches outside our Conference, can be available to our partners within days. For these partners, receiving funds in a timely basis is crucial to the continuation of their Christian ministry in Ecuador.
This small energetic and vibrant congregation is also involved in many projects and programs for the indigenous people of Ecuador. Some of them include outreach programs with the peoples of the Amazon and Andes, as well as programs for abused women, broken families and homeless street children. Gatherings held every Sunday after the Church service give ISC mission teams an opportunity to hear first-hand about current issues, concerns, and mission efforts in Ecuadorian communities.