As part of our 60th anniversary celebration as a Conference on Saturday, October 19, at EVUCC, Highland, Illinois, we want to create a Conference-Wide Choir to sing at the 4 pm worship service. Joan Schuetz, music director of EVUCC, will direct the choir, and Dawn Reinhardt, music director of Salem UCC, will accompany the choir in performing “We Are Your Church, O Christ.”

Individuals and choirs planning to participate should purchase sheet music for this selection online through JW Pepper accordingly:
The sheet music should be purchased soon to avoid shipping delays.

Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend the rehearsal on Sunday, October 13, 2024, at 3 pm at EVUCC (2520 Poplar Street, Highland, IL 62249).

To reserve your spot/s in the Conference-Wide Choir, RSVP to Joan Schuetz at by October 1, 2024.

Dear Churches of the Illinois South Conference,

Our 2024 Annual Meeting/60th Anniversary celebration, being held on Saturday, October 19th, is fast approaching and anticipation is growing with all the exciting plans being made! Be sure and register your pastors and delegates. Registration will close at noon on Friday, September 27th. 

Here is the Registration form 2024 Annual Meeting and the Jubilee Joy Invite Flyer for your church's bulletin boards, worship bulletin inserts, newsletter, website, and Facebook page. Share the information about the afternoon’s 60th Anniversary celebration with all those you would like to invite to register and attend. The invitation for the afternoon Jubilee Joy celebration is HERE, and you are welcome to share it.

Stay tuned for more details on how your church can participate in the festivities.

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Zoom Prayer and Lectionary Lunch Hour for Pastors
The Local Church Ministries team hosts a weekly Zoom Prayer and Lectionary Lunch Hour on Wednesdays from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm for all Illinois South Conference pastors. This is an opportunity for clergy in the Conference to get together for weekly prayer, support, and the sharing of preaching and worship ideas for the coming Sunday.  An email with Zoom link was sent to all pastors. The same link is used each week.